Jun 19Liked by Cyd Ropp

Amen to the " live and let live philosophy " Cyd. The simple and uncomplicated ideals of living in this material world seem to hold the most light and love. It's the things which most anyone can understand because of it's simplicity which make them reflections of a good way to live. I've always believed that any path or ideal worthy of being a reflection of God, has to be available for ALL to understand and comprehend. Intellectual articulations on the subject of God and spirituality have their place in the mental realm of the world, but not as useful in a spiritual instructional sense if ALL cannot grasp the idea. Even children should be able to understand it. And it is something we can " know ". The ultimate darkness can contaminate any ideal such as " live and let live " with a shadowy and grotesque definition as being direction to allow " anyone to do anything they wish" , regardless of consequence. But , just as you said in your Goodness springs From The Fountainhead of God post, we can know inherently that " live and let live " isn't Carte Blanche instruction to be selfish or to commit harm to others. Most anything can be twisted to the dark side. I loved what you said in that post, " We know that life and light and love and a warm embrace and kisses and babies, happy little babies who have not yet been defiled by this sad life—we can inherently know. You know that’s better than living in darkness and death." That gave me such lovely feelings reading that.....thank you.

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Thank you Gabriella for your thoughtful and sweet comment. I agree with you wholeheartedly. You're so right about the dark side twisting even the simplest truths. I think the gauge must be how ones interpretation makes them feel--whether it feeds anger and indignation or feeds love and compassion. The dark side always makes people feel worse, angry, resentful, violent. There's a lot of darkness out there right now, and it's so difficult to speak truth to those who are lost because their anger twists the meanings around to serve the darkness.

Onward and upward, always upward!

love, cyd

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Thanks Cyd. I am late to this party because we drove up to Dallas to pack and move our son for a couple of days, which put me behind on everything else, but it was my pre-father's day gift to reality. ;-)

Lots going on. Don't pick a side in the fights being staged.

"Live and Let Live", indeed.

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What a nice gift Dr. John :-)

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