Sep 9Liked by Cyd Ropp

I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that the hard copy of the book has been as beautiful as you expected ! Your patience was rewarded Cyd....and I'm looking forward to checking out your videos!

Thank you for a most uplifting post with this latest. It was so positive and came at an especially good time for me this past week...I have been journeying into a security of what "Gnosis" and "Knowing" are for me for a long time. It's taken me years to differentiate this from " belief". Belief and believing certainly have a real energy and real power of their own. But entirely different from a Gnosis / Knowing which is an ultimate surrendering and a very personal and deep experience. Sages and spiritual teachers have touched on this aspect a lot I think. The experience and feeling of this knowing is what is the real , not the intellectual mental understanding or the embracing of the belief. I've come to understand that this knowing , and as you say often , " remembrance " , is available for anyone and everyone to experience, no matter what your age or intellectual capacity. If it's not , then it's not the real, but of the shadow. God bless us all and everyone.

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Gabriella, your comments are as important to me as my posts are to you. Thank you so much for sharing. As ever, I entirely agree.

much love, cyd

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"You don't have to believe in something you know."


I had an epiphany yesterday, and I could have told you the same thing before I had it, but it came as a friendly epiphany, that we humans are a certain type of critter which has the capability ("our mission, should we choose to accept it") of harmonizing the physical world and the spiritual world.

This engages with an epiphany I once had biking home from a Buddhist study group of the "Bardo" (between lives), wherein it hit me that we are all, always "dead", but that we are also sometimes "alive", and that it is VERY DISTRACTING.


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Don't you think that all critters harmonize the physical and the spiritual? We humans are the ones who fret about it...

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I'm not certain how far and wide the class of critters extends, and I presume it is beyond this planet, but I specifically avoided thinking that humans should be "unique" in this. ;-)

(I quit eating any critters in spring 2001.)

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The very nicely wrapped book came in the mail yesterday, neatly hand addressed, and dedicated by the author. ;-)

I just had a mini-epiphany about the nature vs nurture debate:


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