The "chariots" reminded me of the line from George's song, Living In The Material World


I'm living in the material world

Living in the material world

Can't say what I'm doing here

But I hope to see much clearer

After living in the material world

I got born into the material world

Getting worn out in the material world

Use my body like a car

Taking me both near and far

Met my friends all in the material world

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That's neat, John. I like the metaphorical connection between chariots and cars. I won't get this one out of my head--you stuck a meme on me! A good meme!

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Sep 24Liked by Cyd Ropp

Your comparison of scripture with the Tripartite Tractate was so clear, you truly have a gift with this Cyd and it helps me so much to understand both in a more meaningful way. I had not seen that photo image from Northwestern University of an egg at conception. Amazing. ....There's a photo that can connect one to feel a true awe and wonder in life ....just beautiful. Divine and beautiful mysteries. Onward and Upward.....

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Thank you for the compliment, Gabrielle. It is becoming easier and easier for me to see the gnosis in the New Testament. It's a wonder to me that conventional Christians tack so much extra baggage to scripture that I can see was not intended by the original authors. For example, it is said quite often that the Christ came to save everyone, and then the church changes that "everyone" to "those who accept Him and believe on his name and follow His commandments." That's not what scripture says! It says that Christ is the one and only way to the Father, and from that they infer that you need to acknowledge his gift in order to activate it! No, Christ blesses all of creation with "unmerited favor," which can only mean that nothing we do or don't do can affect His gift. Moreover, if everyone doesn't return home, then God is lessened by their absence, and that is not possible since God is immutable.

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So well stated Cyd. That extreme contradiction and mind set of an official / conventional narrative within the sanctioned church and denominations that God holds everyone in unconditional love but then only "some" are worthy to go to heaven was what turned me away from Christianity at an early age. Why would there need be paradoxes or contradictions with God's love. That only happens with mental/mind/ego. If one is willing to open ones' eyes to " see " the simplicity and common sense in that , hopefully that seeing can lead one to a deeper knowing.

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