Thanks Cyd, for being called to this work, and for doing this work, and for sharing your reading, insights and discoveries on this human path.


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It's very kind of you to say, John. I so appreciate your comments and for sticking with me in this Gnostic journey. I am regularly, if only momentarily, disheartened at attempting to share this so-called heretical Christian viewpoint. I'm sure it's only an archon whispering in my ear, but every so often I feel a wave of sadness over being considered a heretic by church people on the one hand and a naive idiot by non-believers on the other. And then the occasional mocking by those who think of themselves as modern Gnostics, with their astrology, alchemy, and whatnot. I am hoping to build a tribe here, but Fullness is taking its time in showing it to me... Meanwhile, I take a deep sigh of relief at the constant reassurance of Christ and the Fullness that this mission is worthy. And my brother, Bill, likes to jokingly remind me that Jesus only had 12 followers and everyone else hated him, so I am in the best company.

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You are getting flak, a sign of being over-the-target.

Don't Starve Hungry Archons!


(Actually, I think it's the right thing to COMPASSIONATELY starve them.)

I discern that you are doing good work, through Divine Guidance.


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Thanks, John! I'm glad your Divine Guidance approves--it must or you would not be such a stalwart contributor to this space! :-)

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Jun 6Liked by Cyd Ropp

My dear Cyd...your brother Bill is correct...when he tells you that you are in the best company ! I can only imagine how disheartened you feel at times. But you are offering Gnostic insights and views which are centred in such authenticity , and focused on such love and kindness. I believe the deepest truths are often the simplest of truths. There may be more people than you realize who are reading your words and ideas but are needing to ponder them to a great extent to allow them to percolate within their current memes. Keep the faith....

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Thank you, Gabriella. Your words are like a kiss and a hug. I appreciate you being there!

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