
typo-- should read "immanence," not "eminence."

"But the other way to think of the Father is the eminence of the Fullness within each and every one of our cells." Immanence means indwelling. Eminence means kingly, which almost works.

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Jun 23Liked by Cyd Ropp

re the self-publishing w/ Amazon - have you considered doing it w/ Lulu.com instead of the w/ 'the borg' ?

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Yes. I can do it on lulu. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thanks Cyd. It is good to have musing times, like bike rides, walks, drives through the country, and so on. I feel a bit sad for people who are always on a device of some kind, uncomfortable in their own reverie...

The church songs that go through my head are from the 1960s-1970s, and are mostly the hymns of an agrarian people, even pre-automobiles, and so on. I see them now in that context, the context of my grandfather's boyhood on the Texas high plains...

Some of the things I wonder about, though include wondering how extraterrestrials fit into all this. There are different views and opinions, and of course ETs would be of different species, and would all have personalities and problems and talents, too.

I'm not asking you for an answer, just musing...

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Oh yes. But I do have a previous podcast on that very subject! I’ll dig it up for this week.

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Hi Cyd.

I present for your consideration, and that of your comments-readers, a potential mechanism. I have deeply pondered this since the early 1970s, and so has Josh.

Josh Mitteldorf is a Physicist who became a Daoist. He weaves together the loose-ends I have long held regarding how Newtonian Mechanics, Karma and Prayer can all work together.

"Inverting the Hard Problem"​ , "Does the brain create consciousness, or did consciousness create the brain?​"

(Read or listen. I read.)​ https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/inverting-the-hard-problem

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Oh yah. Very good article. Thanks for suggesting it. I wholeheartedly agree with Josh and you. I wrote about this in A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything as far back as 2010. The Simple Explanation says what he says. But Josh's information about the quantum nature of brain synapses is new and a good "proof" of my theory. At the Simple Explanation blog, there is a whole section devoted to groundstate consciousness and quantum phenomena. Here's a link: https://asimpleexplanation.blogspot.com/2010/04/free-will-and-quantum-foam.html

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Thank You, Cyd. I "knew" that about our synapses, but had not put it together as Josh did. I have read that link. Josh laid out a mechanism for what we have drawn from inference and life-experience (as he also has).

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