The war rages within us, within living creatures of this universe, between mechanistic/adversarial ways and the ways of accepting and following Divine Guidance into harmony. We are potentially the means to universal harmony, should we so choose:

"The Third Order Powers of the Christ are the most powerful force in our cosmos, far more powerful than we are and infinitely more powerful than the Pleroma of the Demiurge. This is how it is that once we accept the Christ and invite our personal Third Order Powers to enter into our soul we immediately feel the love of the Father and are no longer powerless to resist the wily temptations of the archons of the Demiurge. The Third Order Powers see through the lies and phantoms of the imitation. They cannot be deluded by the deficiency. They are not affected by the never-ending war. And we share that enlightenment to the extent that we accept the indwelling of the Third Order Powers."

Flying within a dream is a manifestation of lucid awareness within the dream.

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Yep. The never-ending war takes many forms. Both sides are convinced they are right and the other side is wrong. Truly, we are all caught in the never-ending war first established by the split between the One Self of Logos and the fallen Ego of Logos. We are balanced on a precipice of Divine Guidance and egoic striving for power.

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