May 30·edited May 30Liked by Cyd Ropp

Thank You, Cyd. the recurring question, sincerely pondered in my mind, is whether all the physical beings who appear to be "Human" actually are fully human, endowed with spirit, or if some of them are facsimilies. Succinctly: Jung was fully Human; was Freud an "Archon"?

..“Being imitations, then, of those above, they exalted themselves in lust for dominion, each one of them according to the magnitude of the name of which he was a shadow, fantasizing that he would become greater than his fellows. Thus the thought of these others was not idle, but in accordance with the model of those whose shadows they are, where every thought becomes a son, so do the things they think about also become their offspring. Because of this, it came to pass that many issued from them as offspring. Fighters, warriors, troublemakers, rebels, disobedient folks who love to dominate, and all the others of that sort who derive from these.”...

..And it says they’re “belonging to this empty thought, being nobody’s offspring.” So these phantoms, shadows, and illusions are deprived of reason because they are divided away from Logos—from the Self of Logos.

They’re illogical and can’t think for themselves because they lack the gnosis of the Self of Logos. They are empty-headed and can’t reason. They don’t think; they actually compute. They are, we could say in our modern language, artificial intelligences belonging to empty thought because all they have is computing. They have been programmed according to the programs of the Demiurge, and they are programmed to be striving for dominion in place of reason and logic.

They cannot reproduce, so when it says, “being nobody’s offspring,” their offspring are humans who have invited them into their meme bundle. Their offspring are the meme shrouds that affect second-order powers because only the Demiurge issues archons. These archons are not Self-reproductive because they’re not alive....

I have thoughtfully read through all of your transcript, and my longstanding thought-question remains. There is certainly a category of humans who is infected with archonic memes, and these memes are commonly accepted as "objective", though they go too far by insisting upon a mechanical-physical world, which cannot be proven, and which does not fit with my lived experiences of "karma" and "ESP", for instance.

Again, it seems to me as if there may be a class of "humans" which is completely archonic in nature, not merely deluded, narcissistic and sociopathic. This does not seem to be excluded by the text, but rather specifically pointed to.

At a Buddhist meditation retreat last year I asked my Tibetan teacher of 22 years how one might most-constructively internally consider the human beings who take delight in the suffering of others, torturers and sadists. He got a clarification from me, and was unable to advise as to how to constructively consider such clearly-existent humans.

He seemed puzzled at the assumption that some humans inherently delighted in torturing others.

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Yes, John. Billy and I have discussed this topic for hours on end over the past couple of years. I've always been more than willing to think that evil-type people are not human. But my brother reminds me that the Demiurge cannot produce life in any form. Its direct influence stops at the molecular level. After that, it's the archons job to bedevil us with BS and confusion and sign up as many deluded people as possible through mental influence and propaganda. It's important to remember that the vices are stuck on the outside/Ego side of our being and the Self is sitting at the center. The archonic influence cannot touch the Self, which is where life, light, and love comes from the Fullness into all Second Order Creatures. The memes are outside, obscuring our true Self and muddying up our connections to others. Memes can be dropped off--hence repentence and redemption, therapy, and even exorcism.

At the death of the body, everyone experiences a 360 degree life review that puts those pernicious memes and their influence on full display. That is ultimately when every soul repents and kicks memes to the curb, leaving a redeemed soul intact.

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Thanks Cyd. I feel like I must await a personal-insight-epiphany of some sort on this question. I am not certain of the argument about "Demiurge cannot produce life". I am patient about this, but there is a class of elite families which practice selective breeding, "Bloodline families", of which I am aware, but have not read the books. They are associated with wealth and Satanism, and again, I am aware of this construct, but not in an actual position to "know" or "judge". I am able to be patient. There is a meme that our human world is in a divergence of thought/perception, where converged human worlds are now diverging.

I take such memes as mysteries to consider, while observing and being open to revelations.


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Jun 1Liked by Cyd Ropp

Great episode Cyd and I liked your analogy with bacteria and viruses for living and non living. Quite apropos within some of the " viral " experiences of our recent years don't you think. I've also wondered at times, just as Dr. John has , in the regards to the actual humanness of evil and destructive people. Can they truly be of this earth and planet, even this galaxy, or somehow removed and different from " us " ? Something completely else? But I return to a consideration that the idea of excluding the humanness of those who are capable of doing remarkably evil things as also being a way to negatively " other " , and there's been way too much of that happening these days. Every newborn I've had the joy to see, is an absolutely beautiful little thing, pure and innocent and unsullied. I think we all share that same fantastic beginning coming into this world. There are definitely things that may happen in the life journey which completely corrupt that innocence so that one is capable of doing terrible things, but we are all the same in sharing that human beginning, as well as our end of life.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Author

Beautifully put, Gabriella. I so agree with you.

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